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Start the fair out by seeing the largest parade in this area on Tuesday evening beginning at 6pm on the streets of Maquoketa!


2025 marks the 41st year that the Jackson County Fair Parade has been led by a Grand Marshal which is selected from suggestions made to and by members of the Jackson County Fair Board. The Grand Marshal is selected because of public service or positive public notoriety, contributions made to the fair and community involvement.


Anyone can enter a float, organization, truck, etc. into the parade. Line-up takes place around 5pm on Tuesday by the Maquoketa Middle School. The parade route goes down Main Street and turns at Maquoketa State Bank onto Quarry Street and continues on down to the Jackson County Fairgrounds. You may throw candy, but be careful and make sure to toss underhand. (Note: Floats throwing out candy, etc. do so at their OWN risk!)  The parade is scheduled to start at 6pm.

 J U D G I N G 

Parade entrants wishing to be judged should contact the fair office BEFORE NOON ON JULY 22nd.   When you are assigned your position number, write that number on a paper plate/sign and tape it to the side of your float, truck, etc. Parade judges sit at the West Gate entrance to the fairgrounds in front of the red barn.


Cash prizes are awarded to those who enter the judging!

If you want to get judged - just fill out the form below or just give us a call at the fair office.

Parade Registration Form
If you would like to be judged in the parade to win cash prizes, please fill out the form below. Once we receive the form we will contact you with further instructions.

Float Categoy

Thanks for registering for the Fair Parade. See you there!


1212 East Quarry Street

Maquoketa, IA 52060

Winter Hours 

Tuesday-Friday 9AM-3PM

Weekends and Mondays by appointment


Tel: 563-652-4282

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All information provided by the Jackson County Fair Association in Maquoketa, Iowa. All events, time and locations are subject to change.

© 2024 by Jackson County Fair Association. 

Looking for an event calendar and fairgrounds information? Click Here 

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